SteadyPoint Helpdesk can be integrated with many different solution, using REST API which we will provide below.
But before you’re able to use this API, you need to communicate with SteadyPoint helpdesk, as creating a ticket on Helpdesk requires being logged in via a SharePoint Context. To do that, either follow your own authentication module before proceeding to use the API, or follow this guide we’re linking to here for a detailed explanation.
API’s for Creating a New Ticket
Name | Value Type | Required | Description |
Site URL | String | Yes | The URL where the Helpdesk add-in is installed. |
Title | String | Yes | The subject of the ticket. |
AreaId | Number | Yes | The ID from “Area” list used as lookup. |
StringArea | String | Yes | The title of the lookup item from “Area” list. |
TypeId | Number | No | The ID from “Type” list used as lookup. |
StringType | String | No | The title of the lookup item from “Type” list. |
SubTypeId | Number | No | The ID from “SubType” list used as lookup. |
StringTypeLevel1 | String | No | The title of the lookup item from “SubType” list. |
Priority1 | String | Yes | This specify the priority of the ticket; High, Normal and Low. |
ShowVIP | Boolean | Yes | Boolean used to enable or disable “VIP” feature. |
VIP | Boolean | No | Depends on the previous parameter, this declares the ticket as very high priority. |
Description1 | String | Yes | The description of the ticket. |
Status | String | Yes | The status of the ticket; New, Open, Waiting Verification and Closed. When creating the ticket, it must be “New”. |
TaskName | String | Yes | This column describes which task is pending on a specific ticket. When creating the ticket, it must be “Empty”. |
AssigneeId | Number | No | The current assignee of the ticket to interact with it. |
TicketOwnerId | Number | Yes | The owner of the ticket. |
OwnerDepartment | String | No | The department name of the owner of the ticket. |
OwnerPhoneNumber | String | No | The phone number of the owner of the ticket. |
OwnerMobileNumber | String | No | The mobile number of the owner of the ticket. |
OwnerLocation | String | No | The location of the owner of the ticket. |
OwnerEmail | String | Yes | The e-mail of the owner of the ticket. |
ManagerStr | String | No | The e-mail of the manager of the owner (from Active Directory). |
ManagerPersonId | Number | No | The manager of the owner (from Active Directory). |
DiscussionID | String | No | The ID of the discussion item used in this ticket. |
DiscussionCTID | String | No | The ID of the content type used in the discussion item. |
TeamName | String | No | The team of the current assignee. |
HasTeam | String | Yes | A Boolean in string is used to clarify if there is a team or not. |
StringRoutingType | Number | Yes | This defines which routing algorithm to use in the system, its value must be; 1, 2 or 3. |
TicketSource | String | Yes | This clarifies the source of the ticket created; Direct, Service Request and Email. |
TemplateName | String | No | The name of the template item from the defined “Templates” in the system. |
TemplateItemId | String | No | The ID of the template item in the “Templates”. |
UTCTime | Number | Yes | Number used to define the time zone. |
TaskSLA | Number | Yes | This is a hidden column used to calculate the period for escalations and reminders on the ticket, it must be just zero and the system will calculate it after creation of the ticket. |
WorkingHours | Number | Yes | This is a hidden column used to calculate the period working day hours, it must be just zero and the system will calculate it after creation of the ticket. |
SiteLanguage | String | Yes | The language of the site; “en”, “ar”, … etc. |
TicketHaveClientID | String | Yes | This Boolean in string is used to clarify if the system is using Client ID or not. |
var ticketUrl = SiteURL + "/_api/Web/lists/getbytitle('Tickets')/items";
var item = {
"__metadata": { "type": "SP.Data.Pages_x002f_Lists_x002f_TicketsItem" },
"Title": Title,
"AreaId": AreaId,
"StringArea": StringArea,
"TypeId": TypeId,
"StringType": StringType,
"SubTypeId": SubTypeId,
"StringTypeLevel1": StringTypeLevel1,
"Priority1": Priority1,
"ShowVIP": ShowVIP,
"Description1": Description1,
"Status": "New",
"TaskName": "Empty",
"AssigneeId": AssigneeId,
"TicketOwnerId": TicketOwnerId,
"OwnerDepartment": OwnerDepartment,
"OwnerPhoneNumber": OwnerPhoneNumber,
"OwnerMobileNumber": OwnerMobileNumber,
"OwnerLocation": OwnerLocation,
"OwnerEmail": OwnerEmail,
"ManagerStr": ManagerStr,
"ManagerPersonId": ManagerPersonId,
"DiscussionID": DiscussionID,
"DiscussionCTID": DiscussionCTID,
"TeamName": TeamName,
"HasTeam": HasTeam,
"StringRoutingType": StringRoutingType,
"TicketSource": "Direct",
"TemplateName": TemplateName,
"TemplateItemId": TemplateItemId,
"UTCTime": UTCTime,
"TaskSLA": 0,
"WorkingHours": 0,
"SiteLanguage": SiteLanguage,
"TicketsHaveClientID": TicketsHaveClientID,
url: ticketUrl,
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
"content-type": "application/json;odata=verbose",
"X-RequestDigest": $("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val()
data: JSON.stringify(item),
success: function (data) {
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
- Success (201) status, this indicates that ticket has been created successfully.
- Bad Request (400) status, this indicates that the query used is invalid.
- Not Found (404) status, this indicates that the URL used is wrong or the add-in is not installed.